I’ve been down with a very sore back since Saturday which has kept me home from work. A little box arrived in the mail today that brought a little bit of happiness into my day.
Inside the little box was a creative escape just waiting for me. I opened the box and discovered my surprise wrapped up in white tissue paper and sealed with this adorable sticker.
When I removed the tissue paper I found all the necessary elements to create 4 cards, including a 2-piece stamp set and a size D clear block.
I got to work putting the pieces together and created these 4 cards – only 1 of which is exactly like the instructions included with the kit. I added a couple of extra elements to 2 of the cards to add a little variety to the mix.
I can’t wait to see what you all come up with! What, you haven’t subscribed yet? What are you waiting for? Visit www.mypaperpumpkin.com and subscribe now!
Stamp on my friends,